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Experience our
training ONLINE

Transformation Journeys Worldwide provides best-in-class trans inclusion training to ensure organizations are set up for success.

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Get Your Employees the Training They Need. Now.

You know your entire workforce needs training on how to interact respectfully with transgender and nonbinary co-workers and customers. We make this training easy and accessible through our LMS and microlearning modules. Now ALL your employees can experience the benefits of an in-person training – at their own convenience!


Their questions will be answered as members of the studio audience ask what your employees want to know. The training answers other questions too, equipping your employees to understand and feel comfortable with gender diverse people. 

We Explore Common Questions
with Clarity and Empathy


What pronouns do I use for a
nonbinary person?


What about sharing bathrooms? What is the right protocol?

Responding to Biases

How do I respond to a colleague
who believes being trans is wrong?


What if I misgender someone? What should I do (or not do)?

Using Proper Terms

Isn’t “queer” a derogatory term? What terms do I need to know to speak respectfully to and about gender diverse people?

Inappropriate Comments

How do I diffuse inappropriate jokes and comments?


See Some of Our Powerful
Training Here.

Along with gaining intellectual understanding, your employees will develop heart empathy from hearing the trainers’ personal stories, and stories from gender diverse people of various ages and ethnicities, and their loved ones.

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What's Included

Host this training on your Learning Management System to track your employees’ progress and empower them to demonstrate what they’ve learned...or deliver the video version of this training to your employees in convenient microlearning modules. Contact us for a free 30-minute demo of this highly acclaimed training.

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Important Terms

Understand terms, concepts and outdated cultural assumptions.

Section Reviews

Section Reviews

Help solidify understanding and retention with concept reviews.

Sharing Facilities

Sharing Facilities

Using video, graphics and simple review we approach frequent challenges with candor.



Understand the social, legal and physical aspects of transitioning.

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Results Tracking

You get a recorded assessment of an employees’ learning.

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Effective Allyship

We help you build a strong, inclusive culture, addressing the need for respect in daily interactions.

Praise for Our
Transformational Training

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I cannot say enough positive things about these modules that we purchased for a company-wide inclusion training initiative. They presented a challenging topic in a caring, engaging and professional manner. We received positive feedback from employees, both those already acquainted with the topic of transgender and non-binary awareness as well as those who were getting their first exposure. 

— Lindsey Day, Assistant Director Talent Acquisition and Development, InfoTech Inc.

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The audience participation made this training highly engaging and the content was enlightening. But it was the personal stories shared throughout that made the experience truly transformative. One employee, who was already very supportive of trans people, said he learned even more ways to be a better ally.

— Daniel Dunlop, President, Dunlop Productions

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This program is ground-breaking, deep and timely. Given the research showing that gender is seen as non-binary by 15% of Millennials and Gen Z (who together comprise over 70% of the workforce), managers and co-workers must know how to talk to and work respectfully with gender diverse employees. This training equips learners to move beyond just accepting trans and non-binary people to becoming allies for them.

— Jeffrey Tobias Halter, President, YWomen

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We wanted to provide comprehensive training to give our employees the resources they needed to have a foundational understanding of trans and non-binary people. This training was thoughtful and informative, and helped to develop a greater understanding of gender diverse people. Further, it helped to equip our people to respectfully interact with gender diverse people in a meaningful way.

— Joanna Luth, Chief People Officer, Intradiem

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